I have returned from what was my third USBC National Convention.
The first two were decidedly energizing. The first because it was my first, probably, and the second because I am an eternal optimist and was still hopeful.
This one though, has left me more frustrated than anything - not entirely, but enough that it matters.
A number of good pieces of legislation - some supported by the USBC Board of Directors, some not - were summarily executed by the roughly 1100 voting delegates in attendance. I can't say the exact number for sure right now, because I don't have one of my pieces of luggage back from the airlines. The important bag, of course, with my notes and toothbrush and deodorant. Maybe if they charged more for checked bags...
Anyway, 1100 is an interesting number to me. This is also (roughly, again) the number of bowlers our association lost last year. It was enlightening to see a representation of them all in one room. It was sad to think that many people left the game for whatever reason just in our association.
We do have around 650 first year members, so it is not all bad. Still, a 16% loss is substantial.
I like to at least try solve problems; the harder, the better. I consider my self progressive, yet have a staunch traditionalist tendency. Paradox.
This problem with organized bowling today is pretty difficult, as it is almost innumerably multi-faceted. There are many aspects of the game to consider; many types of bowling and bowlers each having a variety of wants and needs. Bowling is as popular as ever, yet membership continues to plummet.
Well, my bag is here finally. There were 1132 in attendance, 1049 voting.
I was frustrated by the dismissal of the merger proposal (again), the rejection of three tournament rules regarding averages, the nominating committee forwarding only four candidates for four positions, and the slot machines that took my money and put it into the machine next to me.
So, I have decided to try to get the word out and energize the membership with what I think is good for bowling, bad about bowling, or otherwise bowling.
My first posts will be about the convention. Later, I'll begin some updates on the aggressive plans I have for the future of the Madison USBC Bowling Association.
I hope to keep you entertained, I hope you return the favor.
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